What clients say about my coaching services

“Robin has been everything I hoped for in a marketing consultant and coach and then some, all while being down to earth and relatable. She pays careful attention and really helps me to come back to my goals and the actionable steps that help me achieve them. I look forward to our insightful conversations and rejoice in how well she ‘gets it’ and helps me to achieve it. I’ve seen the results from our work already. I have a deeper command over my business in a way I didn’t have before, and that makes virtually every aspect of running it easier.”

Alec C, Mediator and Conflict Resolution Expert

“After just one session with Robin, I had a much better understanding of how to articulate my strengths and professional background in a way that was both credible to my clients and authentic to me. She's a fantastic listener and gifted storyteller, and working with her has helped me both clarify my professional goals and improve my personal brand.”

Jen L, Client Success Professional

“I came to Robin after some failed attempts at packaging my work. I do a lot of things. Making sense of those things to an outsider is not my strong suit. Selling myself? Even more of a struggle. I was worried about working with Robin. Would I be able to offer her what she needed to help me? Would she think I was lost cause? Could any sense be made of me? My fears were put to bed during our very first session. We accomplished so much in such a small amount of time! I was amazed. How did she do it? Robin was able to zero in, not only on my skills and talents, but also on my joy — where I find life in my work. I won't lie, I may have cried. This is the kind of thing that's impossible to do for yourself. You need an outsider, a person you trust, who can see the forest for the trees. I'm very grateful to have had Robin in my corner. Her insight and wisdom brought much clarity. I would highly recommend her to anyone who wants to get clear on what they bring to the table, and how to bring that into the world.”

Jocelyn A, Freelance Marketer and Creative

“Pre-Robin, I got tongue-tied in meetings with potential clients, felt embarrassed about my website’s scattershot messaging, and sweated through the night worrying about losing the few gigs that I did have. Post-Robin, I know who my target audience is, how to articulate my value, and what steps to take each week to build my business. It’s as if I zoomed ahead a few years in terms of my confidence and prospects, all in just a few months. Plus, Robin made figuring out how to market myself (something I dreaded) enjoyable.”

Heidi B, Writer, Editor, and Researcher

“I have been profoundly affected by my work with Robin. It has been an insightful and healing experience to be seen and understood on a level I haven’t experienced. As an Indigenous empath, I was cautious about being able to be supported in such a delicate way. Yet, our sessions have brought clarity to my work, what I want to offer and how I want to be seen in the world. I know that someone like me, looking to break free from societal programming to the deeper roots of authenticity, can find that working with Robin. I have had more boundary-breaking insights with Robin than anyone else I have worked with (on my business which has a direct correlation to my life). Our sessions have brought clarity to my work, what I want to offer, and how I want to be seen in the world. She is calm, holds space, and asks the right question at just the right time. Truly witnessing. My hope is that everyone gets a chance to work with Robin (or be as lucky to find someone so unique in their gifts as she is).”

Jessica S, Yoga Instructor and Indigenous Healer

“I spent most of my career representing others. When I decided to start my own business, I was concerned about having the time and skill to put together a marketing approach and speak with potential clients about how I could help them. Robin efficiently guided me through a process that produced results that fit my business and voice and I felt confident in using. The best part of working with Robin was the usable outcomes that resulted from every session. I've been through similar sessions in the past where I'd end up tangled in the weeds with no real outcome, but that wasn't the case here at all. Robin's process was clean and helped push me to a clear goal during each session.”

Brian S, Project Management Consultant