Robin Cangie laughing in front of brick wall

About Easeful Marketing

I spent 15 years in marketing — first as a startup marketing leader, then running my own consultancy — before I started Easeful Marketing. I’ve always felt uneasy about a system that relentlessly invades your privacy, your inbox, and your headspace. 

How it started

The seeds of Easeful Marketing were planted during my coach training in 2021. I was surrounded by kind, talented coaches who would downplay their own strengths because they were afraid of sounding sleazy. They were hungry for marketing advice, but unsure how to promote themselves in a way that felt authentic. 

Where it’s headed

Since then, I’ve helped writers, mediators, healers, coaches, and other ethically-minded solopreneurs push back against the system that values celebrity over authenticity. 

What is Easeful Marketing?

Easeful Marketing is a gentle, ethical, human approach to growing your business. It means marketing yourself in a way that feels good rather than sleazy. Easeful Marketing rejects the dominant ethos that wants us to believe grinding is a virtue and that we’re only worth what we produce. Easeful Marketing insists:

  • You do not have to burn yourself out to do the work you’re meant to do

  • You do not have to choose between your health and your business

  • You do not have to compromise your internal values to be successful

At its heart, Easeful Marketing is rooted in trust, authenticity, and respect — for you, for your clients, for the values you cherish most.

What Easeful Marketing isn’t

  • A silver bullet to 6-figure passive income (spoiler alert: there is no such thing)

  • A fill-in-the-blank system (one-size-fits-all never really fits, amirigt?)

  • A path to internet celebrity stardom (I probably can’t help you go viral)

TL;DR Easeful Marketing allows you to build a base of clients who love you and your work without sacrificing every spare moment of your life or your sense of dignity.

What can I expect if we work together? 

I don’t do 5-step programs or dish out cookie-cutter advice. Hopefully, that’s part of why you’re here! Instead, my goal is to help you design an approach to marketing that works for your unique, beautiful, messy, existing-in-the-real-world-with-actual-bills-to-pay business.

We’ll probably talk about:

  1. Defining your unique skills and strengths

  2. Identifying your ideal clients and how to reach them effectively

  3. Developing a marketing strategy that won’t feel like a burden

Most clients start with 6 hour-long sessions, which is about how long it takes to work on those three points above. Visit the Work with me page to learn more about what our time together might look like.

Or if you’re tired of reading, schedule a free marketing chat with me to talk about any marketing problem on your mind — no pressure and no strings attached.